Using TV in Your Digital Marketing Strategy for the Ultimate Win


Any marketer knows that impressions are like gold. The more you have, the more you want, and they’re some of the most valuable metrics in the game.

A key player in the impressions arena is TV. With consumers trusting TV ads an average of 15 percent more than online video ads, this medium still resonates with people as a validator of legitimacy. But to get results out of TV, you have to know how to use it.

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Know that it’s a numbers game

TV will be most effective at times when you know your current numbers (cost per lead, cost per acquisition, customer lifetime value, etc.) and have a solid mousetrap built to capture attention. Numbers will help identify whether using this channel will be worth it, so before making any decisions, you must know where your organization stands.

Start by determining your customer lifetime value to help you measure success. Take all of your revenue for the past 12 months, and divide it by the customers you have. If you know a customer is worth $50 to you over the course of a year, then you know the max amount you can spend to get a new customer. If, for example, 1 in 5 of your leads turn into a sale, you also know that you can spend $10 per lead and break even.

Redefine your target market and assets

Review your user data for age, gender, income, geography, and job title. Then, evaluate which images, copy, and calls to action are most compelling. Which picture elicits the most meaningful response? Which copy drives a sale every time? Look at the entire sales funnel — not just whether an ad has a good click-through rate.

It may seem like a lot of work, but defining and testing your target will pay dividends. Specific targeting based on new demographics is what allows you to produce measurable, compelling results for TV.

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Get your message just right

Spend a lot of time getting your message on brand. Work with a team, run it by lots of people, and scrutinize every word. With a 30-second TV spot, you can only fit in a limited number of words. Your message needs to be dialed in, so it’s worth hiring an outside copywriter to make the most of each second. If your budget doesn’t allow that, consider letting team members chime in on the text of the ad. It might slow down the process, but negative responses will prompt valuable discussions. After all, if your team members aren’t reacting positively to your ad, how can you expect your audience to?

Dollar Shave Club is a good example of a brand with great TV messaging. In 2014, the brand doubled its number of subscribers to 2.2 million in less than 10 months following the launch of a major national TV ad push that was flawlessly aligned with its punchy, direct brand.