

Successfully recruiting new employees to your team is a grueling process. It can take months to find someone who's the perfect fit for both the position and company culture -- and sometimes, when the going's really rough, it can be tempting to settle on someone who's good ... but not great.

[ad_1]Dreaming deep, sound asleepAs machines become increasingly intelligent, they are also becoming more artistic. Google’s Deep Dream is making a huge splash on the web. It was originally coded by Alexander Mordvintsev, a programmer working in security systems who liked to play around with...

[ad_1]It’s that time of the year againTwo things are sure in life: Death and Taxes. If you are reading this article, I am going to assume that you are not dead. That means you are here for tips on taxes, in which case, you...



In the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of inbound marketing, the key to success is to always be observing, adapting, and learning. You need to be a lifelong student of the industry and how it changes. And sometimes, like all great students, that means you need to hit the books.

There is a wealth of business and marketing books out there for new or even seasoned marketers to indulge in, but with so many options, it can be difficult to know which ones deserve the time of day.

In this article, I’ve shared a collection of ten must-reads that every marketer should have on their business bookshelf.