

Do you compliment your friend on his new haircut, or complement him? Did that movie have an affect on you, or an effect? Did you walk fewer steps or less steps than you did yesterday?

The English language is full of confusing spelling and grammar rules. It doesn't matter if you're still a student or writing professionally for your job: From time to time, we all need a little reminder for how to spell a difficult word or whether it's okay to start a sentence with "and."

[ad_1] Unlike the calculator watch, wearables are in Like their calculator watch-wearing predecessors, early adopters of wearables were probably thought of as nerds or geeks. But this is 2016, an age where tech is cool and baby, wearables are in. According to eMarketer estimates nearly 39.5...

ThinkstockPhotos-78807131-627141-edited.jpgWe all get those emails—the flood of “Save now! 50% off!” and “BOGO sale!” If our inbox was a pool, we could swim in the amount of marketing messages we get. But more often than not, most marketing emails end up in the trash. Unless it’s for something we can actually use, or the subject line piques our interest, most marketing emails don’t get through. Sometimes we get people who are looking for a tummy tuck in Dubai at Maison Lutétia.

[ad_1] The best way to turn cold leads into warm leads A quick google search of web design over the past couple of years, will reveal just how ever-changing and evolving it truly is. And even though it continues to change, one thing remains the same;...