

Editing copy boils down to two key things: recognizing weaknesses and knowing how to fix them. It’s a critical part of the writing process and yet, one that’s all too often overlooked. After all, if you don’t know that there’s an issue to begin with, how can you fix it?

That's why, if you struggle with editing, you’re going to love this article ...

[ad_1] We spend a great deal of time concentrating on before-the-sale marketing: high converting landing pages, extensive lead generation and proper follow-up. And once we get that coveted sale, we feel like popping the digital champagne cork. But our job isn’t done – and for many...

[ad_1] Facebook Ads are tough.There’s a lot of balls in the air, metaphorically speaking, that all need to come together for a happy ending (easy, now).You’ve got the overall strategy and creative idea. The appealing visual aesthetic that needs to grab attention and stand out....

[ad_1] When the sale falls apart “When it comes to online commerce, the point at which money changes hands has often been the moment a sale falls apart,” says Kurt Bilafer, Global Vice President Sales and Success at WePay. How does this happen? Why does this...


ThinkstockPhotos-186551420-450011-edited.jpgHistorically, the two “top guns” of customer engagement have never really seen eye-to-eye thanks to a long time rivalry fueled by their ego and perpetuated by differing metrics. All over the world, sales and marketing teams have inherited various roadblocks that keep them from working well together. Mistrust, miscommunication and different goals continue to pull the teams in separate directions.

[ad_1] As a marketer in 2016 there’s no doubt you’ve read your share of articles about creating product evangelists. We all want to make our customers as excited to share our product with their networks as we are. But what does evangelizing a product actually...

[ad_1] Let’s face it—you want to know your competition’s Facebook ad strategy. You’re not going to do anything crazy like break into their offices late at night, rappel down from the ceiling, and log in to their Facebook account. But you might have thought about...