

What a year 2015 was for the inbound community! For HubSpot, it was a year of moving the needle -- and being moved along the way.

We’re lucky enough to have built a company and a community that's ambitious, crazy-focused, and talented enough to transform how the world’s organizations do business every day. We wouldn't be here without the incredible global inbound community, including our customers and partners.

[ad_1] Times, they are a-changin’ When I was young, good girls (and boys, for that matter), didn’t get tattoos. We also didn’t associate with those who had them. It just wasn’t done in my little corner of the world. Sometimes, it seems as if nothing has...



Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine's Day is coming ... and you didn't think this one through.

With everyone's favorite "Hallmark holiday" right around the corner, we had a hunch that some of you might have forgotten to pick up something special for that special someone.



Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine's Day is coming ... and you didn't think this one through.

With everyone's favorite "Hallmark holiday" right around the corner, we had a hunch that some of you might have forgotten to pick up something special for that special someone.

[ad_1] As you all [hopefully] know, the conversion pixel is completely being replaced by the Facebook pixel in the first half of 2016. The Facebook pixel holds the power of the conversion pixel and the custom audience pixel in one holy grail. It’s basically a...

[ad_1] Two platforms, one winner Twitter was introduced in March 2006. That same year, in September, Facebook came along with the News Feed. The two were seminal products that served to bring together users, content, and a platform for reading all in one place. Twitter’s rise and...



Editing copy boils down to two key things: recognizing weaknesses and knowing how to fix them. It’s a critical part of the writing process and yet, one that’s all too often overlooked. After all, if you don’t know that there’s an issue to begin with, how can you fix it?

That's why, if you struggle with editing, you’re going to love this article ...