[ad_1] They’re used by fly-by-night scam artists and huge companies with gargantuan ad budgets. They use outright deception, bad UX design, vague language, and fake pictures.They’re misleading Facebook ads, and people click on them all the time. Whether the goal is clicks, likes, or shares,...

[ad_1] Everyone loves a makeover With technological changes advancing us forward at breakneck rates, and small startups rising to the top overnight, it only makes sense that a brand may want to occasionally update its look. A new design aesthetic and logo can reflect shifts in...



For many people (myself is included), cooking is a chore.

After a long day of work, the last thing you want to do is spend a ton of time putting together a dinner -- even if the end result will be delicious. Instead, you whip up something that's easy to make and healthy enough, and promptly wolf it down. Then, you're on to your next activity of the day: time with family, mountains of emails, or a quick episode of How I Met Your Mother before you hit the hay.