In a professional landscape of annoying jargon, ROI (Return on Investment for anyone who’s taken shelter under a rock for the past few decades) might be the most overused acronym of all. Everyone from CEOs to Directors to entry level associates understand the need and importance of determining just how much you can expect to “get back” from an expenditure of time, money or resources of any kind. And by no means is the concern misdirected- any business with a focus on growth or profitability can’t just blindly spend its resources.
[ad_1] By now, you’ve probably heard about SlideShare being a goldmine of leads that 85% of marketers are not even using. It’s highly underutilized compared to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the other social giants. In this post, I’m going to make a case for why you...
[ad_1] Irritating, isn’t it? You see everyone using drip campaigns to promote their businesses, products or services. Post after post tries to convince you to use them too. But when you sit down to create your drip sequence… …you blank out. In spite of all the research you did, you...
[ad_1] Facebook buys into the latest lens trend With Facebook’s recent buy out of Masquerade, a startup app similar to Snapchat, It looks like Snapchat won’t be monopolizing the new “Lens Trend” after all. With 15 million users in only three months of their release, Masquerade provides users...
As companies adopt inbound marketing as a way to generate more leads, the importance of having an effective lead nurturing strategy becomes very clear. In most cases only a relatively small percentage of your inbound leads will be ready to make an immediate purchase, leaving upwards of 90% of your inbound leads on the table.
[ad_1] It can often be hard to nail down the exact worth of analytics data. For most companies, data doesn’t have any inherent worth. No one comes to your site and says, “Hey, I see you’ve got a nice web analytics setup. Can I pay you...
[ad_1] We’ve all been there. THIS campaign is gold. The headline is irresistible. Ad copy clever. You’ve spent hours fine-tuning the image selection. And yet… The click-rate is atrocious. Traffic nonexistent. And sales? Crickets. WTF. The good news – despite your lackluster results believe it or not – is that Facebook...