Affordable VR headset for anyone with a smartphone


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A 360-degree alternative

All you need is your own smartphone and a VR Kix headset and you can start living in a virtual reality world of your very own. By simply placing your phone into the adjustable smartphone tray inside the goggles, you turn the screen of your phone into what The Grommet calls an “immersive, 360-degree experience.”

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Watering things down to the very basics, VR Kix uses stereoscopy to create the viewers’ 360-degree experience. This essentially means that each eye is shown a separate, offset image. When the brain combines the two images, it gives the brain the impression of three dimensions and added depth.

It’s all about comfort and ease

The VR Kix goggles also feature adjustable optical resin lenses that reduce deformity and remove glare; this prevents eye fatigue, for those planning to have the headset on for hours at a time.

To additionally pamper those wanting to wear the VR Kix headset for long durations, the goggles feature padded face cushions for comfort, vents to keep your phone from overheating, and elastic head straps with what VR Kix inventor Joe Elichaa calls a “pillow back” for extra support.

Elichaa and the VR Kix team wanted to make the most comfortable headset they could for gamers, concert watchers, and anyone else wanting to use the goggles for extended hours.

Pair with Google Cardboard experiences

In addition to using the screen of your smartphone, you will also be using your phone to access the games you want to download from Google Cardboard. If you aren’t familiar, Cardboard is a virtual reality platform Google created, intending for people to use it with their own cardboard cell phone mount.

With Cardboard and your VR Kix headset, you can base jump from your couch, attend a concert, tour a foreign country, or take your class on a virtual reality field trip.

In case the app you download happens to require the use of your cell phone’s camera, the VR Kix headset has a removable front plate that will give your camera access to the light it needs.

If you’re techy, and looking for a way to one up your friends, going virtual might just be the next step for you. You’ve already got a smartphone, the only thing you’re missing is the VR Kix.



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